Diane L. Randall, Psy.D.

Clinical Psychologist

109 Dundee Avenue

Barrington, Illinois 60010

Cell: 847-446-7636












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"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside awakes."    

C. G. Jung


Carl Jung said that if the unconscious exists at all, surely it must belong to the totality of the individual. Thus, depth-oriented psychotherapy seeks to assist individuals in bringing to awareness aspects of their personality that were previously unconscious, in order to help them become whole persons. By cultivating a relationship with the unconscious, the individual begins to manifest more of the depth and breadth of psyche, which ultimately leads to the greatest emotional satisfaction, meaning, and contentment. This is to some degree, irrespective of what happens in the external world.


Depth-oriented psychotherapy is capable of producing deep changes in personality because the focus is on more than what is immediately accessible to consciousness. As a result of the integration of new material into consciousness, the deep structures of personality change, producing personal transformations that endure. Consciousness is the agent of change and it is capable of resolving all manner of psychological issues.


While increased awareness of psyche does require reflection and feeling, changes that occur due to increases in consciousness are easily sustained, unlike many behavioral changes. For example, once a shift in perspective is achieved as a result of increased awareness, the change is experienced on both an intellectual and emotional level and the individual no longer has to put energy into maintaining the change. 



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